The Expat Business Integration Company was founded by Vito Young Afat with the aim to help expats integrate in the best way possible.


¨ Growing up in Amsterdam as a child of South American parents I always felt related to people with foreign backgrounds. Over the course of time I met a lot of expats and so I started to notice the difficulties that these expats often face.  Also by traveling a lot myself to other countries, I personally experienced how difficult it can be to adapt to a new place. That is why I started to feel the passion to help expats with their integration process. During my Philosophy study (Bachelor and Master) at the University of Amsterdam and Leiden University, I learned about holistic approaches and how you need to integrate different aspects in order to have a complete understanding of the whole. This all led to The Expat Business Integration Company online integration platform through which I try to make Expats understand Dutch society and culture as a whole rather than for expats to only focus on language acquisition¨ .