These terms and conditions apply to any agreement that you make with the Expat Business Integration Company. Prior to signing up for our online expat training videos you have to carefully read these terms and conditions. By signing up for our training platform it is assumed that you have read these terms and conditions and agreed to them.     

These terms and conditions apply to the sale of any Online Course and/or Taught Course.  Please read these terms and conditions carefully before purchasing an Online Course and/or Taught Course and print off a copy for your records.

For purchases via our website, by clicking on the “Purchase” button you agree to the terms of this agreement which will bind you.  If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you must cease to continue to purchase any Services from us. 


1. Definitions

“Course Materials” means the information provided by The Expat Business Integration Company a course provided as part of the Services in hard copy or electronic form.

“Online Course” means the delivery by us of an online course pursuant to which you learn course materials remotely.

“Fees” means the fees paid by you to The Expat Business Integration Company for the Services.

“Intellectual Property Rights” means copyright, rights in or relating to databases, patent rights, performers’ rights, designs and registered designs, trademarks, rights in or relating to Confidential Information and other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) throughout the world.

“Services” means the provision of the Online Course and/or the Taught Course and/or the Course Materials together with such other services as agreed from time to time and purchased by you through the Website or by telephone.

“Taught Course” means a course taught by us in a classroom setting to which you attend in person.

“you” means the individual purchasing the Services.


2. The Services

2.1. A description of the Services together with the dates on which the Services will begin are available on our Website.  We will provide the Services with reasonable care and skill in accordance with the description set out on the Website.

2.2. We reserve the right to vary or withdraw any of the Services described on the Website without notice.

2.3 We expect you to confirm that the Services you are purchasing will meet your needs.  We do not make any guarantee to you that you will obtain a particular result, professional qualification or employment opportunity from your purchase and completion of any of the Services.


3. Applicability
3.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all offers and agreements of clients or (potential) participants that would like to use our online training videos for integration purposes.

3.2 An agreement with regard to following online video training is established by submitting an application form by the client or participant, followed by proof of registration which the client will receive from The Expat Business Integration Company by email.


4. Registrations

4.1 After registration you will receive an (electronic) confirmation by e-mail that makes your registration final.

4.2 By registering you agree to the general terms and conditions.


5. Cancellation by the participant

5.1 It is not possible to cancel your purchase after registration.


6. Payment

6.1 All payments for access to our online video training platform must be made via our website.


7. Liability

7.1. No part of the provision of the Services shall be deemed to be, nor is it intended to be, nor should it be taken to be, the provision of investment advice.

7.2. Although The Expat Business Integration Company aims to provide the Services to the highest standards of the industry, neither it, nor its trainers accept any liability for (i) any inaccuracy or misleading information provided in the programs or Course Materials and any reliance by Client on any such information, (ii) any loss or corruption of data, (iii) any loss of profit, revenue or goodwill, or (iv) any indirect, special or consequential loss arising from any breach of the terms of this Agreement.

7.3. Except to the extent that they are expressly set out in these terms and conditions, no conditions, warranties or other terms shall apply to the Services.  Subject to clause 7.5 no implied conditions, warranties or other terms apply (including any implied terms as to satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose or conformance with description).

7.4. Subject to clause 7.5 below, The Expat Business Integration Company total liability arising from or in connection with these terms and conditions and in relation to anything which we may have done or not done in connection with these terms and conditions and the delivery of the Service (and whether the liability arises because of breach of contract, negligence or for any other reason) shall be limited to the Fees received by us in connection with the relevant Online Course or Taught Course in relation to which a dispute has arisen.

7.5. Nothing in this Agreement shall exclude or limit The Expat Business Integration Company for (i) death or personal injury caused by negligence, (ii) fraudulent misrepresentation or (iii) any other matter which under Dutch law may not be limited or excluded.

7.6. No claim may be brought more than two months after the last date on which the Services concerned have finished or ceased to be provided by us.


8. Data Protection

8.1 The nature of the Services provided by us means that we will obtain, use and disclose (together "Use") certain information about you ("Data"). This statement sets out the principles governing our Use of Data. By purchasing the Services you agree to this Use.

8.2 When you register with us you will need to provide certain Data such as your contact details and demographic information. We will store this Data and use it to contact you, provide you with details of the Services you have purchased and otherwise as required during the normal provision of the course.

8.3 We may also use the above Data, and similar Data you provide us in response to surveys, to aggregate user profiles and, unless you click on the relevant button on the Registration Form, provide you with communications. We will not pass any personal data onto anyone outside of The Expat Business Integration Company.

8.4 The Expat Business Integration Company aims to take all reasonable steps to protect your personal Data including the use of encryption technology, but cannot guarantee the security of any Data you disclose. You accept the inherent security implications of being and transacting on-line over the internet and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security.


9. Secrecy and intellectual property

9.1 All material and additional documentation and course materials are copyrighted and may not be produced, reproduced or originally multiplied and/or made public. Taking pictures or screenshots of video training material is not allowed. The video training is not intended for it to be shared in any way with third parties.

9.2 Participants commit themselves to secrecy towards third parties of all information they receive during the training.

9.3. All Intellectual Property Rights in the Course Materials, Online Courses and the speeches made by trainers at the Taught Courses are, and remain, the intellectual property of The Expat Business Integration Company or its licensors, whether adapted, written for or customised for the Client or not.

9.4. You are not authorised to:

(i) copy, modify, reproduce, re-publish, sub-licence, sell, upload, broadcast, post, transmit or distribute any of the Course Materials without prior written permission;

(ii) record on video or audio tape, relay by videophone or other means the Online Course or Taught Course given

(iii) use the Course Materials in the provision of any other course or training whether given by us or any third party trainer;

(iv) remove any copyright or other notice of The Expat Business Integration Company on the Course Materials;

(v) modify, adapt, merge, translate, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer (save to the extent permitted by law) any software forming part of the Online Courses.

Breach by you of this clause 9.2 shall allow us to immediately terminate these terms and conditions with you and cease to provide you with any Services, including but not limited to access to the Online Courses.

9.5. In consideration of the Fees paid by you, we grant to you a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive licence to use the Course Materials and the software in respect of the Online Course for the sole purpose of completing the Online Course and / or attending the Taught Course.


10. Complaints

10.1 Do you have a complaint about the online video training? Please contact Expat Business Integration Company via the contact form to try to resolve the problem.

10.2 Submitting a complaint does not guarantee a refund.


11. Law and Jurisdiction

11.1 This Agreement is subject to Dutch law and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dutch courts in connection with any dispute hereunder.


12. Entire Agreement

12.1 These terms and conditions, together with the Website Disclaimer and Course Specific Terms and Conditions are the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior agreements and arrangements, whether written or oral. You confirm that you have not relied on any representations in entering into these and any other terms and conditions with us.  Nothing in this clause or terms and conditions shall limit liability for any fraudulent misrepresentation.


13. Termination

 We shall be entitled to terminate these terms and conditions and cease to provide you with any Services with immediate effect in the event that you:

  1. fail to pay when due your Fees;
  2. act in an aggressive, bullying, offensive, threatening or harassing manner towards any employee of The Expat Business Integration Company any teacher or lecturer who provides the Taught Courses or any student who attends any Taught Course;
  3. cheat or plagiarise any work which you are required to prepare or submit in connection with the Services or during any examination taken in connection with the Services;
  4. steal or act in fraudulent or deceitful manner towards us or our employees or any other students who may be on our premises or attending our Taught Courses;
  5. intentionally or recklessly damage our property or the property of our employees or other students attending our premises;
  6. are intoxicated through alcohol or illegal drugs while on our premises;
  7. commit any criminal offence committed on our premises or where the victim is our employee or student;
  8. are in breach of these terms and conditions.